Rain Water vs. Town Water. All You Need To Know. cover

Rain Water vs. Town Water. All You Need To Know.

So.. why is most of our tap water. reticulated through pipes to our home, alkaline? It’s nothing to do with nature. It’s to do with the need to counter further acidity caused by the acidic chemicals we use to kill bugs in the water.

Heavy metals with your steak, Sir? cover

Heavy metals with your steak, Sir?

“Sir, due to our new ‘honest food policy’, I am obliged to inform you that your Steak Bernaise has certain ingredients you may not be aware of.” What would you do? (Water filter)

Can Your Drinking Water Affect Your Gut Biome? cover

Can Your Drinking Water Affect Your Gut Biome?

Arsenic is the silent and slow killer in our drinking water.. yet millions still slowly accumulate it in their daily draught straight from the tap. Here’s what you can do.

Alkaline Diet Changes Lives: Fad or Fact? cover

Dr Susan Brown: our first choice in alkaline diet experts.

Alkaline diet is a very simple approach to improving the health of your bones that practitioners here in the US have overlooked for almost a century now. It’s available to anyone, it’s natural, it’s not terribly expensive — and you don’t even need health insurance to use it.