Cliamte change changing minds. At last
DuPont: the face of corporate denial.
Only last week I wrote about 'forever' toxins in our water supply and what you can do about removing them. Today this article showed me the sharp divide between corporate worldview and individual worldview. It describes how DuPont appears to be deliberately avoiding acknowledgement of a HUGE problem caused by THEM! Read it here then […]
At last! A good reason to use your phone, save money and help with food waste.
At last! A good reason to use your phone, save money and help with food waste.
Ian’s Monthly Pick of Fun Website Links
Ian Blair Hamilton’s monthly kool website picks.
Beating the microplastics problem in our clothes.
Beating the microplastics problem in our clothes. Japanese scientists developed what they call a bulk acoustic wave (BAW) system, which uses piezo vibrations to remove microplastic-laden wastewater from washing machines.
Interesting and crazy websites Ian discovered last month.
Websites we enjoyed last month. A curated list of crazy good. Er.. crazy.. and good!
Clean water is just the start. How about clean air?
Life isn’t all roses, sometimes, it stinks! Whether it’s the cat litter box, shoe cabinets, gym bags, or the good ol’ trash can, organic odours intrude and permeate our homes.
Boost Your Mitochondria with One Quick Exercise.
Our body is still adapted for a life and death struggle between predator and prey. Some fitness “experts” still deny this primal truth. They still have you doing long, drawn-out sessions of cardio.
World Health Organisation says ingesting plastic microparticles is OK. We don’t.
The World Health Organisation says ingesting plastic microparticles is OK. We don’t. Here’s what you can do.
Tour De France: Was it the Ketone Esters?
HVMN Ketone Esters selling like crazy since Tour De France!